Wednesday 27 August 2008


Psalm 55:22 (NLT)
Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you.

>> What is your biggest worry today? How can you give it over to God?

My biggest worry today is about dryness in job. I've been working on the same project coming 3 months now, and the mundaneness of it is soaking up my motivation and passion for my job. In addition there was couple of projects that were heading my way that was not fun to do as well.

In my desperate moment when I felt truly vex by this series of projects, I prayed to God that all these things be taken away if it's His will, but if not, grant me the strength to carry these tasks out as they are still my projects after all.

Praise God for answering my prayer so quickly today. After a few hours, the first additional project was said to be taken care of by another company. Before I left office, my colleagues were discussing about an exciting new project that is to come. It is something that I really wanted to do.

God answered my prayer again when my group head mentioned that he will hire a freelancer to clear the mundane job that I was supposed to do, while I can get to work on this exciting project.

Past experiences tell me never to worry, for God is managing the bigger picture. What’s more, He keeps His watchful eye on you. I just want to thank God again, that I did not worry but chose to give it all up to Him instead. He showed the way. I just want to encourage you that God is faithful, and He _will_ show you the way.

Do not worry.

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